Monthly Archives: November 2007


I’ve set up a new site for comics, now this can revert to being a random thoughts blog. Maybe I’ll add little notes on the subject contained within the comic. There’s a new comic there right now, Winged and a Prayer. There’s a captcha, so hopefully commenting will be easier.

Did you know that the gender of bees is based on ploidy? Female bees (workers and queens) are diploid, with two copies of each chromosome (like humans). Male bees (drones) are haploid, containing only one copy of each chromosome (like sperm and egg cells). Fertilized eggs turn into female bees, unfertilized eggs into males.

Worker bees can actually start laying eggs, but unlike queens the worker bee cannot mate. She cannot produce new workers or queens – only male drones. The worker bees only do this when the queen has died and the hive is queenless – thus, it’s a sort of last gasp effort to get the genes out.